Dance sensation Tap Dogs are in SA

This singer, Manuel Escorcio an Opera and Tenor, is the man with the golden voice:- Here is a short Bio of him

Die benoemings vir die Huisgenoot Tempo-toekennings vir 2018 is in

Net in Kaapstad: Handel’s Messiah at Jameson Hall, UCT, Rondebosch

Net in Kaapstad: Handel’s Messiah at Jameson Hall, UCT, Rondebosch

Net in Kaapstad: Handel’s Messiah at Jameson Hall, UCT, Rondebosch

Net in Kaapstad: Handel’s Messiah at Jameson Hall, UCT, Rondebosch

Afrikaans is Groot gaan wéér groot in Kaapstad

Spesiaal vir Valentynsdag: Joe Foster se treffer “Pad Na Jou Hart”

Liani se ‘pelgrimstog’ kry ’n volmaakte einde