ANC MP Xiaomei Havard “Most Likely” a Chinese Spy for CCP, but Will Anything be Done or is CCP Influence too Strong?

Communism FAILS Again! Another ANC BEE Milk Farm Collective Ends in Disaster, Despite (or Because?) R43 Million of Our Taxes Being Given To Them!

#Victimology: DA MP Justifies Crime – Not Angry At Man Who Shot Him For His Rolex Watch, Says He Would Commit Crime Too If He Was Unemployed & Poor!

Bloemfontein Now Literally A Pig Sty As Black Farmers Let Their Pigs Eat From The Piles Of Uncollected Refuse Bags in The Suburbs!

#TheAfricanWay: Orange Free State Too Dangerous To Live in? Winburg & Kroonstad Have Dead Pigs & Raw Sewage in River & Dam, Too Polluted to Purify!

GODFATHER OF THE LEFT: Soros, from “Breaking the Bank of England” to spending BILLIONS of dollars on a NO BORDERS agenda for Europe and USA!